a record profit of 19.8 billion euros in 2023


Video length: 2 min

TotalEnergies: record profit of 19.8 billion euros in 2023

TotalEnergies: a record profit of 19.8 billion euros in 2023 – (France 2)

The oil giant’s profits had never been higher. TotalEnergies lives mainly from fossil fuels such as gas and oil.

In 2023, the oil giant TotalEnergies earned a record profit of 19.8 billion euros. These results coincide with a fuel price capped at 1.99 euros per liter. This financial effort is far from destabilizing the company’s accounts. To avoid tarnishing its image, TotalEnergies recalls investing in renewable energy, such as wind or solar power. In fact, its profits mainly come from fossil fuels. Gas accounts for 48% of its sales and oil 44%.

Projects deemed harmful to the environment

Hydrocarbons remain at the heart of TotalEnergies projects, deemed harmful by an NGO. “Fossil projects are a climate problem, but they are also a human rights problem”, alerts Edina Ifticène, fossil fuels campaign manager at Greenpeace France. On Wednesday February 7, a parliamentary commission examines the activities of TotalEnergies to ensure compliance with France’s climate objectives.

Among our sources

Results published by TotalEnergies

Patrice Geoffron, professor of economics at Paris Dauphine University and director of the Center for Geopolitics of Energy and Raw Materials

Non-exhaustive list

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