a record number of prisoners in France


Video length: 1 min

Prison: a record number of prisoners in France

Prison: a record number of prisoners in France – (franceinfo)

The number of prisoners has never been so high in France. As of December 1, 75,617 people were incarcerated. Prison overcrowding is the cause of many tensions in remand centers.

Within these walls of the Grasse remand center (Alpes-Maritimes), a fight broke out on Friday, December 29, in the morning. Using a homemade weapon, inmates attack other prisoners and guards. In total, six people were injured. On X, Lionel Tivoli, deputy for Alpes-Maritimes, denounces the working conditions of prison staff. A fight which takes place in a context of overcrowding in prisons.

15,000 new places by 2027

In Grasse, the remand center houses more than 600 inmates with only 540 places available. 110% prison density, and it’s even worse nationally. A context conducive to violence according to staff. The number of prisoners continues to increase. This year, 75,600 people were incarcerated for only 61,000 places, unsustainable according to the unions. The government is counting on the construction of 15,000 new prison places by 2027.

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