A recipe book dedicated to grandparents and their grandchildren

Today in France, grandmothers are relatively young. In fact, you become a grandmother on average at 54 years old. These women are therefore generally active (some still work) and are connected!

It is also for these grandmothers and grandfathers of the 21st century that the Grand-Mercredi website was created.

“Looking more closely at the family market, we counted more than a hundred players dedicated to mothers, but not a single one for grandmothers.”

Sophie Gallet, co-founder of the site

to franceinfo

This new virtual space offers information, advice, experiences, interviews, humor notes, good ideas, sharing and good humor … For example, the section “Adventure” offers ideas for leisure activities and outings, to live hand in hand, with the grandchildren (fun restaurants, intelligent exhibitions, books to read together) while the section “It’s lived experience” is intended to be more serious (rights of grandparents for example).

I cook for my grandchildren is a book of 80 recipes concocted by Grand-Mercredi from Editions First.

On the other hand, the Étoilés et Solidaires association sets up initiatives for the holidays such as: The Table of our Christmas Elders; Chefs and personalities invite themselves to our seniors, a distribution of Christmas packages to 130 isolated seniors, so that they can cook up a Christmas dinner, among other ideas.

source site-14