a recidivist violent spouse imprisoned and indicted for attempted aggravated homicide on his partner

The 33-year-old suspect had already been convicted in 2017 and 2020 for domestic violence. The couple’s young child, at home during the events on Thursday, was taken care of.

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A man, already convicted of domestic violence and suspected of attempted murder of his partner in Libourne, was indicted and imprisoned on Saturday January 29, announced the Bordeaux prosecutor’s office. After 48 hours in police custody, the 33-year-old suspect was indicted for attempted aggravated homicide and temporarily imprisoned.

His companion, born in 1977 in Brazil, was found Thursday by the emergency services lying in a pool of blood, with serious stab wounds to the chest. “His life is now out of danger and his vital prognosis is no longer engaged”, the prosecution said on Saturday.

The police arrested the companion on the spot, who was in the process of performing a pressure point on the victim’s chest. The couple’s 5-year-old child, who was also at home, was taken care of.

The suspect, originally from Guadeloupe, “could present psychiatric disorders”, which are “being evaluated” and has already been “convicted twice for domestic violence”, said the prosecution on Friday.

After a first conviction in 2017, the Libourne Criminal Court pronounced in December 2020 against him a sentence of eight months’ imprisonment, including four months suspended on probation, including in particular a ban on appearing at the marital home and entering into a relationship. with the victim.

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