‘A real disappointment’: The L5s announce bad news, their devastated fans support them

But what would have been the 2000s without the L5s ? Marjorie, Alexandra, Coralie, Louisy and Claire, who had met thanks to the Popstars show, marked an entire generation, in particular with their studied looks and their hits (All the women in your life, A spark…). Separated after many ups and downs, they had reunited for the Back to Basics toursome being replaced by two new members Adeline and Julie.

However, those who had taken their place for this winter are going to have a bad surprise: the group has just announced that he would not go back on stage in the context of this show. And for a very simple, almost obvious reason: the Covid-19 pandemic ! Indeed, too many shows have been canceled in recent months and everything has been disrupted in their schedule.

We announce, via this official press release, that unfortunately we will not be able to finish the ‘Back To Basic’ tour.“, they wrote in a press release.It is with great regret that we have made this decision unanimously, but this tour has had a lot of ups and downs, particularly due to the Covid pandemic and we are no longer in sufficient numbers on the remaining dates to be able to continue. Time has passed since the beginning of this adventure and the incessant reports do not allow us to assume the rest, the things of life are imposed on us…“.

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