a rave party in progress in Laillé, the third in a month in this town

The event was initially planned on the land of a farmer from Loire-Atlantique who had given his consent. But the prefecture issued an order and the participants had to find another place urgently.

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A rave party is underway in Laillé, south of Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine), according to France Bleu Armorique. Partygoers began to flock to the place called La Roche quarry on Friday evening, despite a municipal decree prohibiting this type of festive gathering.

Hundreds of cars, mostly registered in the West of France, are parked near the places where two stages, a catering area and exhibitors are installed. The music can be heard for several kilometers around, says the journalist from France Bleu. Initially, the rave was planned on the land of a farmer from Loire-Atlantique who had given his consent. But the prefecture issued an order and the partygoers had to find another place urgently, explains Bastien, one of the organizers: “We end up with a site that was much less organized, with an uninformed neighborhood, disturbances and nuisances that are necessarily multiplied. It is not our will.”

This is the third rave party organized in less than a month in Laillé. The first took place on May 1, bringing together around 500 people. The second, on May 15, brought together between 500 and 800 revelers.

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