“A rather mixed record” of ski resorts after the winter holidays, according to the association of mayors of mountain resorts

According to Jean-Luc Boch, mayor of La Plagne-Tarentaise and president of the association of mayors of mountain resorts, there are also already some cancellations for the February holidays.

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“We have a mixed record, but rather positively mixed”, estimates Sunday January 2 for the end of the winter holidays, on franceinfo Jean-Luc Boch, mayor of La Plagne-Tarentaise and president of the association of mayors of mountain resorts. “We had withdrawals but also people who came to see us at the last moment.”

franceinfo: How did the start of the season go?

Jean-Luc Boch: We have a mixed record, but rather a positive one. Many French, Dutch and Belgians came to the mountains. There are far fewer Brits because of extremely difficult conditions for them. We had withdrawals, of course, because unfortunately the pandemic is raging at the national level. But we also had other people who, realizing that they could not go anywhere other than France, came to see us at the last moment.

In terms of activity, have there been a lot of stoppages with contaminations?

Yes, we had structures that had difficulties. The Covid affects everyone, including the staff working in the stations. And therefore, there were closure obligations, or somewhat more restricted operating methods on certain services.

How are the February holidays looking?

The reservation calendar was excellent until the last announcements and unfortunately, with the latest increases in contamination, we have had cancellations by obligation of the British, in particular. As for the French and the rest of the Europeans, for the moment, there are no mass cancellations. We hope that by then, we will have the possibility of reducing the incidence rate and the filling of hospitals.

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