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In Gironde, Saturday August 13, the fire marks a break. Matilda rezky was live from Hostens for the newspaper of 12/13.
Saturday August 13, the fire marks a break in the sector ofHostens (Gironde)where is the journalist Mathilde rezkylive. “The situation seems stabilized. The night was rather calm. For exactly 36 hours, the firefighters have contained this fire which has ravaged 7,400 hectares and evacuated 10,000 people.she reports. The firefighters are full of hope thanks to the drop in temperatures.
Another fire broke out last night in the Landes, near Sore. “The Girondin firefighters were sent as reinforcements. They were able to contain this fire, which is now fixed. It destroyed about fifteen hectares. Traffic could be reopened on the A63 Bordeaux-Bayonne, even if other roads remain closed”explains the journalist.
To Hostensthe firefighters are supported by European reinforcements. Austrian firefighters arrived last night and Polish firefighters are expected. Vigilance is still required, because thunderstorms, announced this weekend, could change the situation.