On this Saturday, the international day for the elimination of violence against women, several demonstrations are planned throughout the country.
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“We are at 121 feminicides today” in France, recalls Saturday November 25 on franceinfo Jessica Suzes, activist of the NousToutes collective, on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. She adds that there are 250 rapes or attempted rapes per day in the country, “that means one rape every six minutes“, she emphasizes.
“There is still work to be done everywhere: in the business world, in our government, throughout our society, in schools, in hospitals”, summarizes Jessica Suzes. The activist highlights certain victories since the creation of the NousToutes collective six years ago: that there are still many of us “to want to demonstrate, that we still talk about this subject on social networks, in the media and that we still recruit a lot of volunteers, that’s our victories”. On the other hand, Jessica Suzes points out that the government “there is no victory”.
Teaching children about consent
Among its demands, the NousToutes collective calls for the awakening of consciences with sexual and emotional education at school. “The 2021 law provides that education about sexuality and emotional life begins from the first cycle of schooling, we ask that this be applied.” According to the collective, it is necessary from a very young age “evoking the notion of consent”: ‘Did you take his toy? Did the child say yes to you? If she told you no, well no means no'”gives Jessica Suzes as an example.
“When we talk about consent to children we are not going to talk about sexual relations. It is just telling the child that their body belongs to them and that no one has the right to touch their body. It is also about prevention against incest, against child abuse. Talking to children about consent also means protecting them.”she explains.