A rally in support of the assaulted teacher, in front of the Lycée Malherbe in Caen

In Malherbe, all against violence, all with you“: on the windows of the Lycée Malherbe in Caen (Calvados), this message is written in large black letters on white sheets. This Tuesday, September 20, the Caen establishment wanted to organize a rally in support of the teacher attacked with a knife last week by a student.

An emotion still alive

Nearly 300 high school students, teachers, managers and maintenance staff of the school attended, very affected by this attack. The principal of the establishment, Jean-Christophe Bidet, began with a speech to those gathered. Teachers share a “lead screed“, which weighs on them since the aggression of their colleague. They also hope that the Minister of National Education, Pap Ndiaye, will come to meet them.

Show affection to the teacher

But the primary objective of this gathering is, for teachers, to show their love and support to their colleague attacked last Tuesday and who was able to return home Thursday, September 15. A teacher still in shock, very traumatized and not feeling able for the moment to return to high school, report her colleagues.

They were nearly 300 to have gathered in front of the Lycée Malherbe to protest against violence in the school environment. © Radio France
carol louis

Last Thursday, a judicial investigation had been opened for attempted assassination. The 15-year-old boy, perpetrator of the attack, was hospitalized and has therefore not yet been presented to an investigating judge.

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