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For the 38th Agricultural Festival in Joncreuil, in Aube, 7,000 people were present to watch a combine harvester race, organized by young farmers from the department to introduce them to their profession.
In Joncreuil (Aube), on the occasion of the 38th Agricultural Festival, a combine harvester race was organized, entitled “moissbatts cross”. The vehicles are actually old combine harvesters that have been completely converted. “We recover a harvester that is already a certain age, so as not to have too big machines, and then we completely dismantle it, we really keep the bodywork, the engine, which interests us”explains Jérôme Pacquetet, farmer.
Piloting is very different from that in the fields. Anaïs Nazabal, future farmer, participated in her first race. “It’s like bumper cars, but bigger”, jokes the farmer. Each canton of the department is represented on the track, and on the public side, the dozen machines fascinate. Organized by the young farmers of Aube, the idea of this great festival is to make known their profession and to exchange with the public, through animations and numerous stands. This year, more than 7,000 people responded.