a race against time to find potential patients


Video duration:
1 minute

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – A.Hanquet, D.Basier, S.Guillaumin, M.-P.Cassignard, Y.Kadouch

France Televisions

Thursday, September 14, major resources were deployed to try to find potential patients from botulism poisoning that occurred in a restaurant in Bordeaux (Gironde). Contaminated jars of sardines have so far caused the death of a 32-year-old woman.

HAS Bordeaux (Gironde)it’s a race against the watch which started. The objective is to find potential patients contaminated by botulinum toxin after eating sardines in a Bordeaux restaurant. On the morning of Thursday, September 14, there was still concern among residents on site. In total, between September 4 and 10, around 25 customers consumed sardines preserved in nine contaminated jars. So far, around fifteen of them have been identified. Most are foreigners, which complicates research.

Health authorities are investigating

A global alert was launched via the WHO to find potential new victims. We have to do quickly becauseif not treated in time, botulism can prove fatal. So, in parallel with the alerts, the health authorities are investigating. All the receipts of the “cheers Wine Bar”, the establishment which served these sardines, were recovered as well as the telephone numbers of customers who had made reservations. So far, contaminated jars of sardines have caused the death of a 32-year-old woman.

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