Video length: 1 min.
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Live from Marseille, Sunday April 9, we find the journalist Romain Fiorucci who takes stock of the situation after the collapse of two buildings in the center.
The Minister of the Interior spoke of four to ten people trapped under the rubble but research is going to be complicated. “This makes 12 hours since there was this explosion and this collapse, and for 12 hours, the firefighters and the firefighters trying to put out a fire in the rubble”reports the journalist Romain Fioruccilive from Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhone)Sunday, April 9.
“It’s very complicated because it is difficult to use the usual means such as water with additive, which could endanger the survivors“, he continues.
The neighborhood still blocked
“The dogs are ready to intervene to search for the victims, but for the moment everything is blocked even though the third building, partially collapsed, is also in danger of completely collapsing“, underline Romain Fiorucci. The neighborhood is still blocked off. Other buildings were also evacuated and a reception center was opened to accommodate the victims.