A quiet December 26 in the stores

December 26 is usually reserved for post-Christmas sale shopping, and this year, consumers were able to drop by to shop.

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The footfall in the stores is significantly reduced compared to previous years, despite the capacity of only 50% of the stores.

Exceptionally, these were able to open their doors at 10 a.m. this morning, instead of the usual 1 p.m.

At Carrefour Laval, customers began to be more present around dinner time, but the parking lot still had several empty spaces.

Several customers also preferred to come to the store rather than ordering online to avoid having to wait.

According to Francis Mailly of the Retail Council of Canada, about a quarter of Quebeckers planning to attend the After-Christmas sales. These are numbers that are the same year after year, in pandemic or not.

Same scenario on the side of Quebec City where bargain hunters are rarer.

To accommodate customers, several merchants have decided to extend their discounts over several days.

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