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La Creuse is a territory regularly cited as a medical desert. A pulmonologist, happy to have returned to his native country, tries to seduce colleagues through social networks.
When Doctor Philippe Slaouti was offered a position in the heart of the Creuse countryside, he immediately jumped at the chance. His free time he spends on horseback, in the small forest paths. And he takes the opportunity to sublimate in his own way the landscapes and the special light of the department where he was born. He publishes his photos on social networks, hoping to attract his colleagues to Creuse.
“We have time to take pictures on horseback, so it’s a wonder at every corner of the road, and then we’re quiet”, summarizes Dr. Philippe Slaouti, who works in Sainte-Feyre, a town where he is also elected. Many of his patients have already seen his photos and appreciate the initiative in this department which suffers from the medical desert. The Covid-19 and the desire for a less urban life, closer to nature, will perhaps encourage some practitioners to consider an installation.