a promising first film in the world of drag queens

The genre questions French society today as never before, and is the subject of numerous films. Three nights a week, on screens Wednesday, November 9, sees a young heterosexual photographer fall in love with a drag queen during a report. Nocturnal and warm, the film depicts a world shaped by seductive illusions, but also by true feelings.

Living as a couple in Paris, Baptiste launched out at the age of 29 in a photographic report around Parisian drag queens. He meets Cookie Kunty who performs in a cabaret with other accomplices. Immersed in a universe he knows nothing about, Baptiste discovers Quentin, the boy hiding behind Cookie.

Florent Gouëlou masterfully films his quirky romance. He captures the velvet of Parisian nights crossed by neon lights. Punctuated by shows and dance floors, Three nights a week remember Cruising (1980) by William Friedkin where Al Pacino was a cop who was increasingly sensitive to the New York gay leather scene he was exploring. If the context and the treatment are very different, the meeting between two worlds and its consequences for the characters are at the heart of the two films.

Smoother than Friedkin (who scandalized the gay community with his film), Florent Gouëlou has a lot of tenderness for his characters. Himself a queen, the director has already dedicated two short films to Cookie Kunty/Quentin (Romain Eck). The very free form of the film evokes a docu-fiction, but spiced up by the romance and the progression of the story. Florent Gouelou defines it as a “crossing”, which refers to the title of Friedkin’s film, (Crusing = cruise). A crossing that will become identity, the revelation of a new nature in Baptiste.

Three nights a week is an initiatory film, also nourished by the experience and reaction of Samia (Hafsia Herzi), Baptiste’s companion. But it is Cookie Kunty/Quentin who is the heart of the film. Florent Gouëlou captures a personality, a nature, a universe, but also a fraternity (sorority) through a story of love and friendships. A film about discovering oneself and the other.

Gender : Drama
Director: Florent Gouelou
Actors: Pablo Pauly, Romain Eck, Hafsia Herzi, Harald Marlot, Holy Fatma
Country : France
Duration : 1h55
Exit : November 9, 2022
Distributer : Distribution Pyramid

Summary: Baptiste, 29, is in a relationship with Samia, when he meets Cookie Kunty, a young drag-queen from the Parisian nightlife. Driven by the idea of ​​a photo project with her, he immerses himself in a universe of which he discovers everything, until starting a relationship with Quentin, the young man behind the drag-queen.

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