a pro-democracy protester tortured by the regime testifies



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Danyar Dosdiyarov spent a week in detention for taking part in one of the most violent demonstrations against the president Tokayev. He tells franceinfo about the many abuses inflicted on him and the “anger” of the population.

“You won’t come out of here alive, your life is over.” This is the threat that Danyar Dosdiyarov heard several times during his detention. For a week, this activist of the Kazakh Democratic Party was tortured for having participated, on January 4, in one of the bloodiest anti-regime demonstrations. He quotes “punches, kicks”, “a stun gun”, “a truncheon and a hammer”. According to the authorities, 225 people were killed in this unprecedented uprising since the country’s independence.

While President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev accuses the demonstrators of being terrorists, Danyar Dosdiyarov explains that “they are simple activists permanently under pressure. Their life is complicated, they came out to demonstrate because they are desperate”. In two years of power, the Head of State has, according to this activist, realized “no political reform”. “People are angry, their aim is not to break or destroy”, he adds.


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