A private CHSLD hit hard by Omicron

The CHSLD Marguerite-Rocheleau located in the Saint-Hubert borough, in Longueuil, is hit hard by the Omicron variant.

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This modern CHSLD, a private non-contracted establishment that opened in 2018, recently moved to the red zone.

According to Sunday figures, 72 of 112 residents are positive for COVID-19, and three deaths have been recorded.

In addition, 38 employees are also positive for COVID, an increase of three cases. A staff member recovered.

Moreover, the CHSLD called on staff from private agencies.

Everyone has been tested, residents who test positive have been placed in a hot area, and visits are not recommended.

The daughter of a resident she met on Monday morning is worried about her mother despite everything.

“It puts me in disarray. It breaks my heart. And that’s why I wanted to report, not just for myself, but for the other residents. There are already three people dead and it is already three too many. I hope by doing this that it will help prevent other tragedies from happening, ”explains the lady who wants to preserve her identity.

Moreover, according to his mother, there would be a lack of rigor in the precautions taken inside.

“According to her, it is the majority of agency employees. It is not staff that she knows on a regular basis, the hygiene protocols that are written in the press release are not respected most of the time, ”assures the woman.

The private CHLSD is managed by the Arbec group. The organization declined to comment on the situation to TVA Nouvelles.

The Arbec group, however, explained in a statement that the zones are clearly separated and the personnel assigned to the hot zone can only work in this zone.

Affected residents are placed in a dedicated section of a unit, called a “hot zone” to prevent them from transmitting the virus to other residents.

Residents suspected of being carriers are placed in isolation in a dedicated area called a “lukewarm zone” until the test results are obtained.

Depending on the number of cases in the facility, there may be hot and cold areas on each floor.

“We’re sorry to have to decline your interview request at this time. Mr. Arbec and his team are fully focused on managing this wave. Any interview cannot be done at this time. You will understand that all our efforts are put on the care of residents. ”

-According to information from Yves Poirier.

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