The van was attacked at the Incarville (Eure) toll on the A154 on Tuesday morning. The inmate who was being transported escaped and two prison officers died.
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“We really hope that the use of videoconferencing will be developed so that the release of a detainee is truly the exception”declared Tuesday May 14 on franceinfo Emmanuel Chambaud, general secretary of the prison union Ufap-Unsa Justice, after the death of two prison officers during a van attack in Eure.
“We need to have a real thought about absolutely bringing detainees into the courts”according to the unionist. “We must also think about the fact that magistrates can travel to prisons to avoid this type of tragic event which led to the death of two of my colleagues”.
“We also have modern means so that the detainee can be heard by the magistrates with videoconferencing, and it works”he continued. “Exits from prison administrations generate risks and today, we are paying a high price.”