A prison guard sentenced for having received and sent sexual photos to two minors

A Mayennais, prison guard in Le Mans (Sarthe), was sentenced this Thursday, September 8 to 16 months in prison, including 8 with suspended probation for corruption of minors and possession of child pornography images. The Laval Criminal Court recognized the 38-year-old man of having sent photos of him naked and masturbating as well as having received photos of a sexual nature from two young girls aged 12 and 14.

The facts date back to 2018 and 2019. The prison supervisor who is also a reserve policeman, meets these two children on teen dating sites, pretending to be a child of their age. He quickly exchanges messages with the young girls.

1300 messages sent to a 12 year old

Hateful messages, which he says, are supposed to sexually educate children. “Do you caress your pussy a bit? Do you stick your finger in your little pussy? I don’t consider you a baby even if you are 12, you are old enough to know the sex.“These filthy messages, read by the president of the court, provoke disgust and surprise in the courtroom. The president has 1,320 messages sent to the 12-year-old girl and more than 400 exchanged with the 14-year-old second.

The defendant speaks of addiction. “These photos were my drug.“He specifies that he is followed by a therapist, that he would never have met these two children in real life. But, for the court, he seems to have difficulty understanding the seriousness of the facts. For his lawyer, it is normal because his client is also a child.”He is an immature boy. When he interacts with 12 year olds, he too is 12 years old.

“Behind every photo, there is a very real victim”

The victims, they are really children. traumatized children by what happened, explains the lawyer for the civil parties. “Behind every photo, every video, there is a very real victim“, concludes the prosecutor in his requisitions, which requires one year in prison including 6 months suspended.

The court went further than the prosecution requested. He sentenced the Mayenne to 16 months in prison, 8 of which were probationary, obligation to treat himself, to work and prohibition to come into contact with the victims, nor to exercise an activity involving contact with minors for 5 years. The court also ordered him to pay 1,500 euros in damages to one of the young girls as a civil party. He won’t go to jail.

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