a price increase that impacts businesses




Article written by

A. Delcourt, D. Breysse, S. Henry – France 2

France Televisions

Soaring prices at the pump are also having an impact on businesses, which must raise their prices in order to cover travel costs. A decision taken reluctantly so as not to lose money.

For Étienne Tarayre, heating engineer, the rise in fuel prices has direct consequences on his business. Called to travel frequently, he needs to refuel every four days. “We are in a busy period of activity now […]. Me, I refueled at 55.56 euros, and here we are at 71 euros “, explains the heating engineer located in Haute-Garonne. The fuel budget has increased by 30% in this company. An increase that impacts the prices offered.

In order to compensate for the expenses related to gasoline, the company is obliged to increase the price of its interventions: a sum varying from two to six euros. A decision that is necessary, according to the manager of the company. “We try to remain honest with our customers. We must not create an injustice on an injustice”, explains Judith Peruzzo, CEO of Peruzzo Services. However, this price increase remains well received by customers, who qualify it as “normal”.

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