A woman with botulism died after eating sardines at Tchin Tchin Wine Bar. The Bordeaux public prosecutor’s office opens an investigation.
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The Bordeaux public prosecutor’s office opened a preliminary investigation on the morning of Friday September 15, in particular for “involuntary homicide” against the Bordeaux establishment Tchin Tchin Wine Bar, after a person died at the start of the week among a dozen suffering from botulism after eating artisanal canned sardines in the restaurant, reports France Bleu Gironde.
>> Gironde: looking for potential victims of botulism
The preliminary investigation was also opened for “unintentional injuries” and “placing on the market foodstuffs harmful to health and sale of corrupted or toxic foodstuffs”. The manager of the establishment risks several years in prison and several thousand euros in fines. The investigation is entrusted to the judicial police, the Central Office for the fight against attacks on the environment and public health (Oclaesp) and the departmental directorate for population protection (DDPP).
The Regional Health Agency lists 12 victims of botulism
Several people contracted botulism, a serious and rare neurological disease, after the Tchin Tchin Wine Bar served them sardines in a jar, between Monday September 4 and Sunday September 10. The Regional Health Agency (ARS) in Nouvelle-Aquitaine lists 12 cases in total, aged 30 to 40 years old with the exception of a woman in her seventies. Most are of foreign nationality (USA, Canada, Germany, Ireland). One of them, a 32-year-old woman, died in the Paris region.