a precise and very formal program



Video duration:
2 min

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – S. Schlienger, D. Basier, V. Mayer, MP. Cassignard, D. Fossard, B. Véran, E. Noël

France Televisions

King Charles III and his wife Camilla will begin a first three-day state visit on Wednesday September 20. What is the royal program? Details.

France receives the King of England with fanfare, starting Wednesday September 20. Charles III and Camilla will land at Orly airport, direction the Arc de Triomphe for a ceremony in the presence of the French patrol. Then, they will go down the Champs-Elysées: the men in one car, the wives in another. At 3:50 p.m., Emmanuel Macron and Charles III will meet face-to-face at the Élysée, to discuss the issues of the moment.

Train journey to Bordeaux

In the evening, a reception with more than 150 guests is planned at the Palace of Versailles (Yvelines). Thursday, Charles III, after a speech in French to the Senate, will follow in his mother’s footsteps in the aisles of the flower market on the Île de la Cité. “The last time when there was her mother, there was a whole fan club shouting ‘Long live the queen’, but now I wonder if there will be as many fans”asks Bruni Leroy, florist.

The monarch will then visit the Notre-Dame construction site. Defender of ecology, Charles III will then travel by train on Friday to Bordeaux (Gironde).

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