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An American study shows that video games are not such a harmful activity for children and adolescents. The 12/13 of France 3 explains this to you this Wednesday, October 26, in the company of the journalist Frédérique Prabonnaud.
Children who are addicted to video games obtain good results in certain tests, even better results than those who never play them. “We talk mainly about depression, aggression and sleep problems related to games, but this study shows that the effects are probably more complex”, explains Frédérique Prabonnaud, present on set Wednesday, October 26. A study made with Americans which concerns more than 2,000 children aged 9 and 10 years.
Children do two types of tests. One assesses the ability to resist automatisms, an important ability for academic success. The other measures the working memory, which allows for example to make a calculation in the head. “Conclusion: children who love video games do better than others”, says the journalist. Attention or memory are more activated in gamers. But impossible for the moment to say if it is the video games that improve their capacities.