a possible turning point in the war in Ukraine?



Video length: 3 mins.

France 2

Article written by

A.Mikoczy, B.Girodon, A.Riabeka, P.Miette – France 2

France Televisions

While an internal political crisis agitates Russia, Saturday June 24, the fighting continues on the front, in Ukraine? Update with journalist Alban Mikoczy, live from the Zaporijia region.

The fights “have apparently resumed”reports journalist Alban Mikoczy on Saturday, June 24, live from the Zaporijia region (Ukraine), who insists on the need to “be very, very careful” about the evolution of the situation.

On the road leading to the front in Lezhyne (Ukraine), at the end of a very damaged track, Ukrainian soldiers explain that the events that have occurred in Russia could change the situation, because the Wagner group has a major role in the Russian offensive. . “This will interrupt the supply chain between Wagner and the army. Already they have closed the border between Russia and occupied Donbass”comments Lieutenant Aleksandr, of the Ukrainian army.

Will Vladimir Putin ‘punish’ Ukraine?

On the front line, the positions have hardly advanced for 48 hours, except in a village near Donetsk, taken over by the Ukrainians. “The longer Russia keeps its troops and mercenaries on our land, the more chaos, pain and problems it will have”, said President Zelensky. Some fear that, weakened in his own country, Vladimir Putin seeks to punish Ukraine, by bombarding the main cities even harder, as he did on Saturday morning in Kiev (Ukraine).

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