a possible link between IUD and depression

The National Medicines Safety Agency published an information note on Tuesday, February 14 concerning hormonal IUDs. They may slightly increase the risk of depressive syndrome.

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Even if it is a possible effect mentioned on the leaflet, women who are carriers of a hormonal IUD do not necessarily make the link between a possible drop in morale and their method of contraception. This is why the National Medicines Safety Agency (ANSM) wishes to inform them. Up to 10% of users of these hormonal IUDs are at risk of depression and this risk is slightly increased if the IUD is highly dosed with the hormone, levonorgestrel, which is the case for two thirds of hormonal IUDs used in France. This increased risk has just been demonstrated in a vast French epidemiological study which studied the links between the type of IUD used and the consumption of antidepressants.

There is nothing to worry about for the women concerned, assures the National Medicines Safety Agency, because once again, of the 300,000 new users of these hormonal IUDs, it is at most one in ten who may be affected by this low morale or mood disorders. But this study is a new signal that deserves to be known to women, says Isabelle Yoldjian, the medical director of the ASNM. Because they should not hesitate to talk to their doctor about it. It is by discussing with a health professional that they will be able to see if it is worth changing the method of contraception, knowing that this increased risk of depression can be canceled with a copper IUD and reduced with an IUD or a pill with less hormone. .

What’s New in Contraception for Men

A new study published in Type of communication, revives the hope of developing a contraceptive pill for men. It is a pill that temporarily blocks spermatozoa, because by deactivating the action of an enzyme, it deprives these spermatozoa of their mobility for several hours. It is therefore a pill that should be taken before each report at least 30 minutes before. PFor the moment, it works on mice, but this temporary pill brings hope, because it is a new direction of research. In terms of male chemical contraception, clinical trials in humans could start in three years.

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