Twelve residents of an apartment building in Verdun who simultaneously received an eviction notice a few days before Christmas may be victims of “renoviction”, denounces the member for Verdun, who invites the Administrative Housing Tribunal (TAL ) to investigate.
Alejandra Zaga Mendez, MNA for Verdun and elected representative of Québec solidaire, notes that the tenants of the building located at 1005, rue Rielle in Verdun received an eviction notice on December 16th.
The place’s new owner, Randall Ettinger, says he wants to “substantially expand” the accommodations and is giving them until 1er next July to leave the premises, indicated Zaga Mendez.

“I went door to door, I met people. I saw vulnerable people, the elderly, people who, if nothing is done, could find themselves homeless by July because rent prices are exorbitant in Verdun,” he said. -she says.
The owner says he wants to carry out housing expansion work, but he put the building up for sale in the fall on the internet, she notes, when he bought it less than a year ago. ‘a year.
The building is for sale for $8.8 million. So there is no assurance that the renovations that are announced – the reason for the evictions – will take place.
Alejandra Zaga Mendez, MP for Québec solidaire
In 2018, Mr. Ettinger was also accused by tenants of another building located on the same street of having used intimidation tactics to get them to leave their accommodation.
Of the 36 units in the building on rue Rielle, about 20 are vacant, people having agreed to leave in exchange for a small sum of money. The tenants who remain deplore the implementation of tactics which, they say, amount to intimidation.
Roger Grenier, 69, who has lived in the building for five years, maintains that the new owner blocked access to the lockers in the basement without explanation and prohibited tenants from depositing their waste in the place previously provided for this. effect in the indoor garage: they have to go and drop them off on the street themselves.
“There are old people, sick, who are not in good shape, and it’s difficult for them to do that,” says Mr. Grenier. Also, to access our lockers, you have to ask the new concierge for the key, but when he’s not there, you can’t go there. »
Sick, he says he fears ending up “on the street” if he has to leave his home.

I have a budget of $1200 per month and my rent costs me almost $800 per month. With the rest, I have to pay the Hydro, the telephone, I have to eat… Do the math, that’s not a lot. Other rents I see on the internet start at $1000 per month.
Roger Grenier, building resident
Alejandra Zaga Mendez invites the TAL to defend the rights of the tenants of 1005, rue Rielle.
“It’s not up to our tenants to justify themselves, it’s up to the landlord to justify these practices,” she says.
“The owners do not hide”
Lyndsay O’Donnell, social worker and community organizer with the Citizens’ Action Committee of Verdun (CACV), noted that the problem of “renovictions” was widespread in the borough.
“1005, rue Rielle is the perfect example of a mass eviction that persists because of the inaccessibility of the TAL. The owner did the same thing in 2018 on the same street and there was not much intervention. The owners don’t even hide to do it, the building is already for sale! We must be in solidarity with the people who bear the brunt of this situation. »
The Press attempted to reach Randall Ettinger, but had not received a response at press time.
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- 2256
- This is the number of housing repossession cases in Montreal in 2020, while there were 1,040 in 2021 and 663 in 2020.
source: Administrative Housing Tribunal