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While more than a million Ukrainian refugees have reached Poland since the beginning of the conflict, a convoy will soon leave the town of Saint-André in the North, twinned with Wiélitchka.
Three Ukrainian women have just arrived at the Wieliczka reception center (Poland). They each have a suitcase, and their hearts are heavy to have left the men in Ukraine, under the bombardments. Olga, has been here for 10 days, alone with her son. “For us here, it’s fine, but I call on France and European governments to help all those who have remained in Ukraine”, she says. Four buildings, with rooms, dormitories and common rooms, can accommodate 400 people. They are made available by the town hall.
Donations are pouring in from all over the region. “Such solidarity with France, Germany and Europe is crucial today”, comments Artur Kozioł, the mayor of Wieliczka. In Saint-André-Lez-Lille (North), the city twinned for 25 years with Wieliczka, the call has been heard. For several days, residents have been depositing donations. The municipality organizes the sorting, and prepares the shipment directly with Poland. The convoy will leave on Thursday.