a policeman tried in Paris for insults, beatings and strangulations on his companion

The psychiatrist talks about “marital terrorism”. This 40-year-old Parisian, who will be called Sophie (first name changed), is very distressed to be confronted, once again, with her former companion. She expects a lot from justice and in particular the protection that she does not feel she has fully had in this case.

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This 41-year-old Parisian executive says she endured two years of nightmare during which she received punches, suffered a dozen strangulations and was the target of insults and humiliations. She says, for example, that Fabien R. pulled her by the hair and that passers-by, witnesses of the scene, had warned the gendarmes.

They break up in June 2021 but the victim is afraid to file a complaint. She says she is harassed by her ex-boyfriend. She finally takes action in 2022, after the death in January ofAmanda Glain under the blows of Arnaud B., also a policeman. When she filed a complaint, she explained to the police that she had felt “like frozen, paralyzed” because of the profession of his ex-companion. This occupation was “an additional obstacle to filing a complaint because he has contacts in the police, he knows the system, he knows how to defend himself, he can also take revenge more easily since he has a weapon“, explains the lawyer for the complainant, Me Pauline Rongier, to franceinfo.

In exchanges by SMS, the suspect concedes having struck several blows to his ex-companion. He wrote to her in particular: “I am not minimizing my actions (…), I am a danger to you but I love you (…), I’m sorry, I’m going to take care of myself.”

Despite everything, the brigadier disputed, in police custody, the facts of which he is accused. told him about “reciprocal violence provoked by the crises of hysteria and jealousy of his ex-companion (…) seeking today just to rot his life”. He has already received a six-month suspended prison sentence and received a reprimand three years ago for unlawful violence in the course of his police duties. He was placed under judicial supervision last March, after the accusations of his ex-girlfriend.

According to our information, the policeman always has a weapon that he can only carry during his hours of service. Sophie is very worried about the use he could make of it. She hopes that the Paris Criminal Court pronounces a ban on carrying weapons. “It is unthinkable that this man accused of serious violence against his ex-girlfriend and who was convicted of police violence keeps his weapon. It is a judicial aberration. We cannot stem the scourge of feminicides by continuing not to protect women who report violence in their relationships”annoys Me Pauline Rongier. Anne-Laure Compoint, llawyer for the suspect, did not wish to respond to requests from franceinfo. His client faces three years in prison.

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