a police officer injured in the legs during a refusal to comply

The police officer was taken to hospital and the driver arrested.

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A police officer was injured during a refusal to comply Monday evening, in Anzin, in the North, learned franceinfo from a police source on Tuesday, September 20.

>> Refusal to comply: what the official statistics say

The incident occurred around 11 p.m. The policeman, attached to the Valenciennes police station, was hit by a driver who tried to flee while a customs crew and another from the Anti-Crime Brigade (BAC) chased his car.

According to the first elements of the investigation, the driver crossed the roundabout of Anzin, on which the police improvised a roadblock. It was then that the motorist mowed down the policeman. The police officer is injured in the legs but his condition “is not of concern”, according to our information. He was taken to hospital.

An investigation for refusal to comply was entrusted to the Valenciennes police station. The driver was arrested and taken into custody. Narcotic products were found in the car, according to a judicial source at franceinfo.

“A police officer seriously injured last night following a refusal to comply. In the vehicle: drugs”, confirms the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, this Tuesday morning on Twitter. “Every day, our law enforcement officers face attempted murders while doing their job. We should all be supporting them rather than standing with the offenders,” he adds.

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