a police officer heard by the Assize Court of Reims for an arrest


Article written by

E.Lagarde, T.Chammah, P.Lhermitte T.Doudoux, France 3 Champagne-Ardenne France 3 Corsica, H. Dugue – France 2

France Televisions

The trial of a police officer opened in Reims, in the Marne, Tuesday, October 4. He is accused of inflicting a serious injury on a football fan, who lost his eye.

Tuesday, October 4, in Reims (Marne), opens the trial of a police officer, sent back to the assizes for having seriously injured a football supporter. Six years ago, during his arrest on the sidelines of a match between Reims and Bastia (Haute-Corse), Maxime Beux lost an eye. “It will be easier, I think, to mourn what happened to me that evening, if there is an assize court that gives me reason”, assures Maxime Beux, victim. The accused policeman disputes the facts. In February 2016, scuffles broke out in Reims between Bastia ultra supporters and the police. A Bac agent pursues Maxime Beux, who loses an eye during his arrest.

“According to the statements of the police officer, it was at this moment that the individual would have fallen and would have fallen, head first, on one of the poles which borders the route of the tram”, relates François Belargent, public prosecutor of Reims. The policeman had been indicted three years after the fact, and experts said that a blow from a telescopic baton would be the cause of the injury.

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