a police officer fined 1,500 euros for injuring a “yellow vest” with an LBD shot

During the trial of this policeman and one of his colleagues in November, the prosecution requested a six-month suspended prison sentence against them.

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A fine for one and no penalty for the other. The Paris Criminal Court on Thursday, December 16 condemned a police officer, tried for having injured a “yellow vest” by fire from a defense bullet launcher (LBD) during a demonstration on February 2, 2019 in Paris, to pay a fine of 1,500 euros. On the dock was one of his colleagues, tried for the same reasons. The latter was exempted from punishment. During their trial in November, the prosecution requested a six-month suspended prison sentence against the two police officers.

The complainant, Christophe M., who was neither present at the hearing nor represented, had been wounded in the lower face and in the abdomen by two shots from LBD “six seconds apart” during a gathering of “yellow vests” Place de la République. It was the policeman whose shot wounded the protester in the face who was fined.

The president of the court recalled that the two police officers, who belonged to the Paris anti-crime brigade (BAC), “were not trained to maintain order”.

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