a polar cold will fall on France


Video length: 1 min

Weather: polar cold will fall on France

Weather: polar cold will fall on France – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – M.Gracia, S.Soubane, O.Martin, A.Lo Cascio, E.Jacquin, A.Da Silva

France Televisions

Coming from the north-east, a cold wave will sweep across France. Thursday January 4, the Scandinavian countries are affected by this polar cold.

In Sweden, temperatures of -43°C were recorded and snowfall paralyzed traffic. These frozen air masses will also cool France. In Lyon (Rhône), where the temperature rose to 14°C on Thursday January 4, the thermometer should drop to -6°C next week. Up to -5°C are expected in Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin) or even -4°C in Paris. France has not experienced such a drop since the cold snap of 2018.

Traffic blocked in Sweden and Denmark

The cold air mass comes from the northeast, but hits Scandinavia hard. In northern Sweden, residents had not experienced these temperatures for 25 years. These extreme conditions have disrupted transport and many trains are canceled. Traffic was completely blocked on a Swedish highway due to very heavy snowfall. In Denmark, hundreds of people were trapped on the roads. The army had to intervene in places to help the victims.

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