a point of no return between Taiwan and China?


Video length: 13 min

Elections in Taiwan: a point of no return between Taiwan and China?

Elections in Taiwan: a point of no return between Taiwan and China? – (France 3)

François Chih-Chung Wu, representative of Taiwan in France, and Emmanuel Veron, associate researcher at Inalco and the naval school and specialist in contemporary China, are the guests of 19/20 info.

William Lai was elected president of Taiwan. François Chih-Chung Wu, representative of Taiwan in France and support for the incoming president, expressed his satisfaction at seeing William Lai at the head of the country.“I feel great joy but what is very important is that the Taiwanese refuse Chinese interference”he explains on the set of 19/20 info, before recalling that Taiwan is a Sovereign state.

What are the consequences between the relations of the two countries following the election of William Lai?

The election of William Lai as head of Taiwan does not delight China. To the point of carrying out his threats? “We have increased pressure on the whole country, at the air, naval and land levels. They are trying to divide, to exploit part of the social landscape”indicates Emmanuel Veron, associate researcher at Inalco and the naval school and specialist in contemporary China. “This represents a political risk for Beijing, which reflects its own inhibition”he believes.

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