a podium to defend for Montpellier’s Achille Nebout

What if Achille Nebout finished on the podium?, for his fourth and last Solitaire du Figaro? For now, the 32-year-old sailor is sitting on it. Second in the second stage, the young man has indeed taken third position overall.

In front of him, Tom Laperche and Guillaume Pirouelle, but less than twenty minutes ahead for the leader, on the skipper Amarris – Primeo Energie.

The last round promises to be exciting. The start, from Royan, will be given at 12 noon this Sunday. The 32 sailors still in the race will embark on the Golf de Gascogne.

They will go to the north-west of Spain, before returning to Saint-Nazaire, after having traveled 640 nautical miles, or more than 1,100 kilometers, since the weather conditions led the organizers to shorten the route.

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