a podcast to listen to – France Bleu

Between the Lines is a 12-episode series whose common thread is the Belfort-Bienne train line. Artists, journalists, musicians, athletes,… tell their journey, each in their own way.

The train is the place of motionless speed, of daydreaming, of the scrolling landscape. A solitary parenthesis in a common time.

Whether you are a commuter, cross-border worker, student, pensioner, lover or simple traveller, Swiss, French or European, “Between the lines” offers you to increase your travel experience, break the routine, add a motor to your daily routine.

From October 2021 to September 2022, the project Between the lines invited very unusual passengers to take a round-trip train journey between Belfort and Bienne, or Bienne and Belfort. The mission of these singers, musicians, journalist, sportsman or gastronome was original: to create a podcast episode from their experience…

Let your ears be taken by the hand, you risk nothing.

After the children’s stories of End of tales and the detective stories of Murder and Moselle, Nicolas Turon, author, comedian and humorist from Lorraine, offers you a very different podcast, born of an artistic collaboration of which he is the conductor. “Between the Lines” is an action initiated by the BELJU backgroundwhich works on cultural cooperation between the French and Swiss Juras, with the Territoire de Belfort, to facilitate the implementation of cross-border cultural projects allowing better reciprocal knowledge of the two areas.


Artistic coordination and author: Nicolas Turon

Authors: Coraline Pauchard (journalist, creator of podcasts), Sandra Reinflet (author-composer-performer), Les Petits Chanteurs à la Guule de Bois (group of Swiss musicians), Gautier Colin (director, creator of podcasts), Manuel Etienne (author-composer performer), Didier Super (comedian), Loïc Preghenella (creator of podcasts), Emilie Zoé (singer-songwriter), Géraldine Bitschy (actress, singer), Lemakadame (rapper), Marc Woog (director, theater teacher).

This series is available as a podcast on the apps France Blue and French Radio. You can also find them in replay on this page.

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