“Hébergements insolites” is a France Bleu series in 10 episodes which takes you to spend a night with the wolves, at the top of a lighthouse, in the Hobbit’s house or Harry Potter’s room, in the cabin of an airplane, in the bottom of a troglodyte house, or even in the villa chimney.
Over the course of 10 episodes, the France Bleu series “Unusual accommodation” invites you to travel for one night: sleep with the wolves in Sainte Croix in Rhodes in Moselle, in the cabin of a plane in St Michel chef-Chef in Loire-Atlantique, in the Hobbit’s house in St Martin de la Mer in Cotes d’Or, at the top of the Kerbel lighthouse in Riantec, in a troglodyte dwelling in Doué in Anjou in Maine et Loire, in a geodesic dome in glass in Saint Quentin en Tourmont in the Somme, in a hut perched 12 meters high located in the Domaine des Ormes in Epiniac, near St Malo, in Ille-et-Vilaine, or in the heart of Troyes in the Dawn: in Harry Potter’s room. And why not in this transparent pyramid at the bottom of the Cocalière cave in Courry in the Gard or the villa chimney a few kilometers from Nantes. Indulge ! Discover and dream!
Unusual accommodation
A series in 10 episodes
Grand Ouest creative workshop
Mixing: Franck Peyon
Production and direction: Véronique Sapet
Web: Véronique Sapet
In co-production with France Bleu Loire Océan