a podcast from France Télévisions to “bring down fantasies about journalists”

Reporter François Beaudonnet receives the confidences of his colleagues on their work and their vision of the profession.

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François Beaudonnet, author of the poscast "At the info desk" and Angélique Bouin, journalist at Radio France.  (Francois Beaudonnet)

Since its launch in 2019, the podcast At the info counter has already received 40 guests from France Télévisions and Radio France: presenters, reporters, image reporters… For 30 minutes, they reveal the way they work, behind the scenes of their programs or reports.

Elise Lucet, Anne-Sophie Lapix, Thomas lent to the exercise at the microphone of their colleague François Beaudonnet, who thought he knew them well before discovering another facet of their personality: “We say a lot more things to each other without a camera”he confides.

Francois Beaudonnet was theguest media by Célyne Baÿt-Darcourt

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