A PLC stronghold collapses

The ax has fallen. The Liberal Party of Canada (PLC) lost the riding of Toronto–St. Conservative-held Paul’s, a long-standing liberal stronghold. This heartbreaking defeat in Toronto–St. Paul’s brings back to the forefront the credibility of voters with regard to the leadership of Justin Trudeau, whose popularity and credibility as Prime Minister of Canada are being tested in the latest polls.

Despite the poor showing in the suburban Toronto by-election, it is clear that Justin Trudeau is suffering from the wear and tear of power. However, I believe he intends to remain at the helm of the Liberal Party through thick and thin until the 2025 federal election.

However, the slope is steep and strewn with pitfalls, such as his propensity to procrastinate on the outcome of major issues, such as that of the housing crisis across the country, on which “we are working hard”, as Justin tirelessly repeats. Trudeau like an empty leitmotif.

Faced with such a chaotic scenario, the defeat in Toronto–St. Paul’s confirms voters’ fed up with Justin Trudeau’s systemic laxity with regard to priority issues. Consequently, I would not be at all surprised if this protest movement reverberates throughout the country and if the PLC suffers a crushing defeat in the next federal general elections.

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