a platform opens this Monday to help second year high school students find an internship

The 560,000 general and technological second year students must find an internship from June 17 to 28, but many have not yet validated an agreement.


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High school students at Saint-Sébastien high school in Landerneau (Finistère), March 18, 2024. (LIONEL LE SAUX / MAXPPP)

The fateful period is fast approaching. A platform bringing together internship offers, accessible via the “1jeune1solution” site, opens this Monday, March 25 for second year high school students in anticipation of the compulsory internship scheduled for June.

This platform should help the approximately 560,000 high school students concerned, in general and technological sectors, to compensate for the lack of offers. At the initiative of Gabriel Attal, when he was Minister of Education, the period from June 17 to 28 will be devoted to the baccalaureate exams for the first and final classes and to “an internship in a professional environment” for seconds, for “deepen their discovery of careers, better prepare and strengthen their career choices”explains the ministry.

But with less than three months to go before the deadline, many high school students have not yet validated an internship agreement, or even, for some, even started looking. In Lille, Florence Delannoy, principal of Montebello high school, does a quick calculation: “Out of 460 second-year students, I only have 20 agreements signed to date, that’s very low”regrets the head of the establishment, unionized with Snpden-Unsa, for whom it is “too bad the platform doesn’t open until the end of March, it’s too late”.

“The orientation games are over”

Questioned by AFP, the Ministry of Education did not communicate the number of offers available on this platform. Others question “pedagogical interest” of this internship. “At the end of June, these students will have already chosen their specialties for the first year, the orientation games are over”deplores Karile Richard, principal of the Turgot high school in Paris. “This is all nonsense”blurts out this ID-FO union member.

And what will happen if a student cannot find an internship? “The student is welcomed into his establishment” And “benefits from online solutions for discovering professional environments and carries out documentary research to clarify or perfect their orientation project”we can read on the National Education website. “Impossible”says Karile Richard. “It’s a red period where the entire high school is monopolized on the baccalaureate exams, with the written and oral tests, so no time to manage seconds without an internship”.

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