A platform dedicated to relations between companies and active or retired seniors

For 14 years, “Seniors at your service” has been connecting companies and active or retired seniors.

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Seniors at your Service is a platform dedicated to the recruitment of seniors in companies or by private employers who need home services: DIY, house sitting, help for the elderly, grannies, nannies…


Employing seniors makes it possible to quickly overcome the recruitment difficulties of companies, including for part-time activities. To meet the expectations of private employers looking for immediately operational home help and to increase the number of workers participating in the financing of pensions.

The pandemic and successive confinements have accelerated a change in mentality. Recruiters are beginning to realize the value of calling on experienced profiles.

There are many reasons why seniors may continue to work during retirement. Combining employment and retirement is sometimes a necessity in order to cope with inflation. With soaring prices and an inflationary context that weighs on the daily lives of seniors, nearly half a million retirees have returned to work.

Among seniors, the differences in working hours between men and women, and between managers and workers, are identical to those observed at intermediate ages. However, differences appear between 55-59 year olds and 60-64 year olds, with part-time work being more widespread and shorter among older people.

Seniors at your service connects recruiting companies with senior job seekers who want to combine employment and retirement.

source site-14