a planned attack targeting an Olympic event foiled in Saint-Étienne



Video length: 2 min

Paris 2024: a planned attack targeting an Olympic event foiled in Saint-Étienne
Paris 2024: a planned attack targeting an Olympic event foiled in Saint-Étienne

The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, announced Friday May 31 that a planned attack had been foiled. The suspect wanted to attack a stadium in Saint-Étienne, in the Loire, during the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

The Geoffroy-Guichard stadium, in Saint-Étienne (Loire), was the target of a planned attack during the 2024 Olympic Games, the Ministry of the Interior announced on Friday May 31. A suspect was arrested by the General Directorate of Internal Security (DGSI). Rokhman B., of Chechen origin and aged 18, was unknown to the intelligence services. He was indicted for terrorist conspiracy and imprisoned on Sunday May 26.

According to Gérald Darmanin, the suspect’s action was planned. “This person wanted to take action, he first wanted to attack spectators, then having seen that the stadium was too secure, he wanted to attack spectators outside, near the refreshment stands and the cafes, and then die a martyr”, specified the Minister of the Interior. These were exchanges with radical Islamists on encrypted applications which alerted the DGSI, in particular a photo of the Saint-Etienne stadium.

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