a pigeon bursts onto Julian Bugier’s set and disrupts his 1 p.m. edition on France 2!

First David Pujadas’ joker for 6 years, Julian Bugier has become since the departure of Marie-Sophie Lacarrau on the first channel, the face that France 2 viewers find every midday in the 1 p.m. Elected “most handsome guy on TV” by the gay magazine Têtu a few years ago, the journalist knows he can count on his immaculate smile to win over a large audience and seduce viewers at lunchtime and newscasts. information. “I wasn’t comfortable with that the first years… When you’ve always dreamed of being a journalist, when you’re a hard worker, being reduced to your physical appearance is disturbing and frustrating“., he confided on this subject to our colleagues from TV Mag. “With a few more years, I assume everything! At the time, I had this image of the ideal son-in-law, of a young presenter in the world of news channels. I have since proven my legitimacy and that I knew how to be a tough interviewer“, he chanted proudly.

But despite his unfailing professionalism, Julian Bugier is sometimes forced to adapt to certain imponderables that disrupt his midday diary. Last November, during the first relocation of the 1 p.m. in Seine-Maritime that day, following a report on the records reached by the Cac 40, an individual started screaming not far from the journalist . “Macron resign!”, “Benalla in prison!”. “There are some disruptions here on set, it’s normal, it’s live“, serenely resumed the presenter.

And this Tuesday, June 7, 2022, in front of a completely different disruptor, the journalist once again knew how to keep his calm. Because this time it was a bird that shook the very quiet forties. While talking with his colleague Dorothée Lachaud, Julian Bugier saw a pigeon burst onto the set. “It’s the mystery guest of our newspaper, look there’s a pigeon flying above our heads!“, he exclaims, observing the bird. A minor incident for the 1 p.m. which resumed its normal course thereafter.


See also: Julian Bugier: the star of France 2 ousted overnight!

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