a pharmacist sells her pharmacy for one euro



Video duration:
2 min

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – S. Piard, France 3 Regions, J. Bernier, F. Dantzer, M. Marini

France Televisions

In Indre-et-Loire, a soon-to-retire pharmacist is struggling to find buyers for her pharmacy. So, she had to decide to sell off her pharmacy for a symbolic euro.

In the village Hermits (Indre-et-Loire)the pharmacy sale is almost become a joke. I don’t sell it, I give it away.”assures the pharmacist, Sylvie Drouet. “A donation”, not quite, but just 1 euro to buy the pharmacy. Sylvie Drouet will soon retire and for four years, she has not found a buyer. I lose 200 to 300,000 euros”assures the pharmacist. She made this decision so that her village maintains this essential service and to avoid the domino effect on other businesses.

A link in the chain

“If we close the pharmacy, obviously, there are fewer visits to the grocery store. People will look elsewhere.”believes Sylvie Drouet. The village has nearly 600 inhabitants. Families settle there for its school, its medical center, its grocery store and its bar-restaurant. The pharmacy is a link in the chain. If it disappears, the nearest pharmacies will be around fifteen kilometers away. In Normandy, a pharmacist has already reached to sell your pharmacy for 1 euro.

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