A petition is circulating to limit light pollution in Quebec

The light pollution episode caused by the Serres Toundra in Roberval in January continues to make waves. A petition was tabled in the National Assembly on Wednesday to urge the government to legislate on this subject to ensure that this does not happen again.

Last January, the opening of the new cucumber greenhouse in Saguenay Lac-Saint-Jean revealed a huge luminous halo in the region.

A satellite then recorded light intensities “100 times stronger above the Tundra greenhouses than those measured in downtown Montreal,” reads the petition filed Wednesday by Roberval MP Nancy Guillemette.

Following this episode and the strong reactions it provoked, the company corrected the situation by installing panels on its facilities which greatly reduced its impact. But local residents want a law to prevent future episodes.

“We ask that the government legislate on light pollution based on the regulations adopted by the MRCs of Granit, Haut-Saint-François and Sherbrooke. »

These three territories are all located on the territory of the Mont-Mégantic International Dark Sky Reserve. The MRC du Granit has notably adopted an interim control regulation on the protection of the dark sky while in Sherbrooke, researchers are working to reduce light pollution through various initiatives.

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