a person dies from botulism poisoning



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1 minute


12 people were poisoned by botulinum toxin and another died after consuming poorly preserved sardines in a Bordeaux bar.

It’s in Bordeaux (Gironde) that eight people poisoned by botulism are hospitalized. In Ile-de-France, one person died, but also in Barcelona (Spain). What they have in common is that all the people ate the same thing in the same place: homemade canned sardines. at a Bordeaux restaurateur. “There is a manufacturing defect in canned sardines (…) we have recorded all the cans”, specifies Thierry TouzAnddeputy director of departmental population protection.

Few cases each year

The probability that the bacteria was ingested in this way is very likely. Analyzes are still in question. Symptoms of botulism vary, but more severe cases cause muscle paralysis respiratory and can lead to death. Each year in France, the number of reported cases is very low.

source site-14