A perfume for less than 50 euros from this French brand is sold every two minutes around the world!

It’s one of those little pleasures that both men and women agree on. For many, spraying yourself with perfume once a day is the last essential beauty gesture to carry out every morning… And especially in France! According to YouGov, 73% of French people say they wear perfume automatically every day before going outside.

A ritual for which the French generally agree to put their hands in their pockets since the average price of a perfume in France exceeds 60 euros… A high average which probably justifies the reason why the brand Le Bon Paracteur is a hit across the world.

The Good Perfumer

Founded in 2017 by Ludovic Bonneton, the Good Perfumer is a young company that strives to perpetuate the heritage of French perfumery. An ambitious bet insofar as the brand also strives to offer affordable prices… So many great objectives which are already bearing fruit for the perfume house that can boast of having a Bon Partemporel perfume that sells every two minutes around the world…A figure that says a lot about the brand’s value for money.

Count on 42 euros for a 30 ml bottle. A niche perfume sold at a low price thanks to local manufacturing which minimizes transport costs. A “short circuit” which allows the brand to concentrate solely on the juice, whether floral amber, fruity, or even woody…

Lisa Ziane

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