a pedophile who pretended to be a babysitter sentenced to 20 years in prison

The Bordeaux Assize Court sentenced a Girondin pedophile to 20 years’ imprisonment on Tuesday April 12, reports France Bleu Gironde. After four days of trial behind closed doors, the jurors followed the requisitions of the general counsel. The verdict was delivered in a public hearing.

The accused, a 30-year-old repeat offender who posed as a babysitter, was found guilty of a series of rapes and sexual assaults on four children aged 6 to 11. The abuse, committed between 2016 and November 2018 in the Médoc, was filmed and broadcast on the Dark Web, a hidden part of the internet network where the exchanges are anonymized.

This former accountant in a supermarket in Marcheprim (Gironde) was already convicted in 2012 for six sexual assaults on minors. But a few weeks after his release from prison in 2016, he posted ads to offer babysitting services. “He placed, under false identities, advertisements on childcare sites, top nanny, but also Le Bon Coin and Facebook. nothing happen”says Vanessa, mother of one of the young victims. “It’s more than a trauma in my child”she confides to France Bleu Gironde.

By falling on one of his announcements, a mother recognized the paedocriminal. The latter then immediately filed a handrail to alert justice. Summoned before a sentence enforcement judge in Bordeaux, he had been the subject of a simple call to order. “But apparently that didn’t stop him, and he went even furtherregrets Vanessa. It was not a fairly regular legal follow-up. Everything could have been avoided. Today, I fear for the future. My child is ashamed and feels guilty when it is not for children to be ashamed. But go explain that to a little victim who at the time was 8 years old.”

The Bordeaux Assize Court matched the 20-year prison sentence with a two-thirds security period, as well as a 20-year socio-judicial follow-up and a treatment order. At the end of the verdict, the accused was taken back to his cell in the penitentiary center of Gradignan.

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