a participatory platform to report “remarkable” trees

Do you know if there is a remarkable tree near your home? If you think this is the case, you can now indicate it on the Paris Tree Observatory. This is’a participatory platform, recently created by the Council for Architecture, Urban Planning and the Environment of Paris (Caue). The objective: to detect remarkable trees in the private domain, and this within the framework of the new PLU (local urban plan).

But how to detect a “remarkable” tree? Six criteria were determined. Marie Mondésert, landscaper at Caue, gives some details: “It is a tree whose flowering can be magnificent, or particular, a large tree which is in our garden, or the courtyard of our building, and that we want to make known and protect.

A commission of experts decides

Once on the Observatory site, you must fill out a form and post two photos. “Its silhouette, and then a detailed photo of the tree: its leaves, or its bark“Ideally, specifies Marie Mondésert. Then, a commission of experts meets and validates, or not, the remarkable character of this tree.

To present the project, a videoconference meeting is organized this Tuesday, April 12, from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. If you want to participate, you can register here.

source site-38