The Hauts-de-Seine prefecture announced on Monday that light vehicles will once again be able to use the A13 “in the Province-Paris direction” during the Ascension weekend, if safety conditions permit. .
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Is the end of the tunnel in sight? “A reopening of the A13 motorway in the Province-Paris direction will be possible from next Saturday, May 11 to light vehicles only, provided that all safety conditions are met,” announced the Hauts-de-Seine prefecture on Monday April 29. On the other hand, towards the capital, “heavier repair work” are “required”so no reopening timetable has yet been defined.
The authorities are also commenting on the origin of the cracks which have caused the closure of the road since April 19. “The work carried out outside the structure on a nearby construction site is, according to the most probable hypothesis, the events generating this movement of ground”reports the prefecture. “Without waiting for the final conclusions of the various expert assessments, additional backfilling work will be carried out in the coming days to reinforce the stability of the retaining wall”she adds.